Aquamarine (2006)


Aquamarine is the sweet tale of two 13 year old girls who find a mermaid in their community pool. Claire and Hailey are best friendsliving in a small seaside town. They have an obsessive crush on Raymond the lifeguard who they DESPERATELY want to kiss, despite the fact that he OBVIOUSLY barely aware of their existence. The girls are enjoying their last week together, Hailey is reluctantly moving to Australia. This becomes an important point of the story asthey try to do whatever they can to avoid this fate and stay together. This movie is genuinely beautiful and perfectly girly. It's like the games me and my sisters used to play for hours in the pool: the mermaid loves gummy worms, she has nail polish that changes colours depending on her mood, her earrings are starfish that whisper compliments to her. The characters are so sweet,so 13 years old. Aqua, who is older, tells the timid Claire, "I don't think they'd want you to be scared of life, I think they'd want you to be friends with it." Which is the perfect thing to tell a 13 year old girl.


Watch this sweet movie and remember what it feels like to want to be a mermaid so bad you swear you can see something beautiful and mysterious every time you look out into the ocean.



FIRST COW (2019)


The Boy and the Beast (2015)