2023 SEARCH FESTIVAL CONTRIBUTION | interactive live DRAWING experience & GAMES


2023 has come to an end and we’ve finally layed the ground work on our passion for art via our collaboration with some of our lovely friends at sniff. a live drawing experience open to anyone wanting to flex their art muscles — we also had fun playing some drawing games and managed to archive the experiences, allowing these little doodles a longer and happier life here on our archives!

Check em Out!

01. Main Archive

Festival attendants were encouraged to unleash their creativity, allowing their imaginations to roam freely, resulting in the birth of these cute lil creations. These mementos are intended to capture the essence of their thoughts and the moments experienced as we neared the conclusion of the year.

02. mAke a face

participants in the game of ‘make a face’ were given 3 simple rules around which to collaboratively create faces using given SYMBOLS based on the dice they rolled.

  1. Roll the dice

  2. draw a facial feature using given symbol according to the dice

  3. continue until face is complete

03. Make A BODY

A group of lovely individuals unexpectedly introduced a game that was not part of our original plans, and we were pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it turned out to be. We engaged in a game where a sheet of paper was divided into three sections, and each of the three participants drew a different part of the human body.

  • 1st person drew a head

  • 2nd person drew a body

  • 3rd person drew some legs