Huge influx of information and the direct influence it has in our lives on and offline, can we keep up?

Ever heard the saying " We live in an era of information " , probably...but what does this statement really entail , hasn't information been around for centuries and centuries?

Its still the same scripts, books, etc only difference is that its on the internet, but is that only underlying difference? Or maybe some would argue that the access of information is much more viable now, and yes, I agree. The flow of information generally, in the 21st century is damn near flooding, and the machine just keeps feeding itself. This is where my point of the discussion is highlighted, can we ever have such a thing as much too information?? and what would that mean, what kind of implications would this have on our daily lives.

It feels like we're trapped in this enormous information bubble, with smaller little bubbles within it curated by algorithms and search engines. Maybe we were better off when the influx of information wasn't that high, or maybe not, maybe its just up to the individual to decide on what they really feel is good for them, kind of like a lot of thing sin life but its kind of hard when you have this ai constantly serving you what you want to consume, even when you don't need to at that time. I somewhat feel sorry for the people who've now fallen into the dark depth of self-expression (as content),self-help, toxic hustle culture, etc. The internet has the power of tricking you into buying into something so superficial and you wouldn't even know it. The best thing you can do, is just trust that you'll run into something worth seeing and worth your time. I'll make a quick example of a situation Iran into at some point in my life, I wassitting there on my phone, dreading my existence, not feeling like doing anything,so I went on and searched "giving up" on my YouTube search bar, plenty videos came up, each with different but lowkey similartitles schemes, " Letting go is the ultimate blah blah blah" I went on to watch one of them, after watching it I didn't feel that bad for wanting to quit, the video some how had now fed me more into the idea of giving up. I decided to scroll for more videos on the very same profile, I found a video about " Keep going blah blah". I found it weird that the very same content creator would make two opinion opposing videos, instead of actually sticking to histrue beliefs, this had now fucked up my beliefs, cause now im sitting there trying to decide on what idea im feeding into, the one about giving up orthe one about going on, both said by the same person.

At the end of the day, its all up to you to decide what kind of information you want to feed yourself, so all I can say is choose wisely, oh and fuck all those bullshit content creators who make videosforthe sake of traction on topics, that's pretty much the whole reason why we have contradicting info on the same account, people would rather make stuff for the sake numbers, instead of actually puting out opinions based on "truths" they actually believe. Maybe things were better when all we had were genuine authors, writers, philosophers, who actually gave a shit, who researched and put out material that they spent their whole lives trying to decipher.

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