Thing is, if you're famous, you're more likely to make money—that's just the fact of the matter. but now for the modern times we're living in, this reality starts to stretch and there's AN exclusive batch of jobs that you can't really get unless you're famous

Most of what the world has become today is that, a lot of what grabs our attention is mainly focused on how much time (the specific thing) is able to roominate in our minds and keep us constantly trying to interact or relate to it. The currency being the amount of time spent thinking about the thing, it could be a product, a brand or even a person. In this article I want to talk about how uneasy things start become when a person is given this much high end power.

Famous people have never really been much of a threat to society or anybody really, they just had views and opinions that maybe people might've took too seriously at the time, resulting in somebody doing something stupid, but that's about as far as it goes, really. Fame has this nonce edgy to it, its crazy how people usually associate it with words like fortune and wealth, which is not always the case. Fame is it’s own thing, much like wealth is it’s own thing too. I think more people are starting to realize that and the impact might just be catastrophic, especially for the people who don't give a flying fuck about fame. Thing is, if you're famous, you're more likely to make money—that's just the fact of the matter. but now for the modern times we're living in, this reality starts to stretch and there's this exclusive batch of jobs that you can't really get unless you're famous. I get the idea that the person has to be recognized or whatever, but this now shouldn't be the independent variable out of everything, now it’s like if you're not recognized by the rest of the world then you don't qualify to do the job even if you could be really good at what you do.

What makes matters worse is that it's kind of like things were meant be the way they are right now, at the very start you have these people that start these brands that are now notable today (Louis Vinton, Polaroid, etc), out of sheer creativity and hard work, these brands eventually get the taste of the hype and can't get enough, since they were ultimately working to grow and have more expansion around the globe from the very beginning, before the modern world you'd be able to do that in multiple ways but now it’s like you have this definite model of doing it which is by putting the face of the most "iconic" person as the face of your product/brand. It’s easy to understand that if I employ the most notable people of our current world, the brand will gather up the most attention.

Now whats currently happening isthat, as a group of board room company/brand owners we’d rather employ someone who's going to nurture the brand/company and give it the credit and attention it deserves, aslong they are famous. Its a business model and it works. The only reason it works is because of the functionality of society and the reason we gravitate towards certain things more than we do to other things. If you're famous you're now able to go do something entirely different from the initial field of content you started in and venture out into different areas of business & "creativity". Personally I don't believe making content is creativity, I think all creativity can be content but not that is content is creativity,regardless of how viral it is or whatever, but that's another article topic for another day I guess.

Back to modern day, where does that leave the rest of us who don't necessarily want to be famous but would love to work at some huge high end art/fashion house. The answer is I don't know, I feel like that's where most of the world is alright now, the I don't know stage, mostly for the intricate stuff that we notice but don't really bring up.

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