Lo and Behold: Reveries of the connected world (2016)
In this documentray, Werner Herzog explores the Internet and the connected world. Covering it's history, it's far reaching impacts, the threats to it and a modern world with no internet, this documentary is a brilliant capturing of our bizzare technological world. There's a robot that can pour drinks smoothly, Bots playing competitive soccer matches, Elon Musk and Mars colonisation, Solar Flares, monks on cellphones and more.
This movie terrified me at times, sometimes stating the facts of our lives is just as scary as warping them. In this case, the scariest thing is that we have Internet-ified our world. Just how much we rely on our tools is made abundantly clear. But it's also beautiful of course, we're geniuses, we're pioneeers, we want more knowledge, all the time!
Lo and Behold, Reveries of the connected world (2016)